After over a month of not posting, we're happy to report that we're alive and well in our new home on Ft. Benning. Aside from the blazing inferno of humidity and occasional texas-sized roach, we are loving Georgia. We've been planning to post pictures of our house but our camera is on the fritz. Therefore, donations for a new camera are welcome. In the meantime, here are a few snapshots we captured before the death of the camera.
Yay! for more pictures. I checked often to see if you had any Georgia postings. Sorry that your camera is on the fritz. If I were independently wealthy I would send you one.
Happy birthday to Ephraim.
Oh, and Betsy enters the MTC on Wednesday, of all the crazy things.
Heather! Hooray for blogs! I'm glad to hear you, Ephraim and Max are doing well. I can not believe how big he (Max) is; it seems like yesterday you were bringing him to church in Provo as a newborn. Wow, time flies. Hope you survive the heat and humidity in Georgia and keep the blog posts coming! Check out ours at
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